Friday, February 10, 2012

Horse Games- Windows 7 Home Premium?

My laptop, ASUS K501, has home premium. I have tried lots of horse games, but all of them say "OS Not Supported". I tried My Horse %26amp; Me, same, but now I have "incompatible driver" alerts each time I start up my laptop. I really want Lucinda Green's Equestrian Challenge, but I am yet to find one for home premium. Would somebody kindly find me a link for windows 7? I need a Buy %26amp; Download link for Equestrian Challenge, like when you buy it with a credit card and download it... Please?! Sort of urgent, only have access to card for a few hours(with owner permission, duh). Try to find one for under 30 USD. I would really appreciate it.

Horsey Regards,


%26lt;Who said you needed wings to fly? Why not just a horse?%26gt;Horse Games- Windows 7 Home Premium?
If you want an online-based game, may is suggest this?鈥?/a>Horse Games- Windows 7 Home Premium?
You're asking your question in the wrong section. This section is regarding actual horse care, training, etc.

good luck finding your answers :)

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