Friday, February 10, 2012

Anyone know of some really fun horse games?

I love to play online horse games. I already have joined AVH, Howrse, Horse Eden Eventing, and Horse Isle. I have searched high and low for a great horse game. I am more into Horse Isle and Howrse type games, and I think Horse Eden Eventing is a bit boring and confusing. AVH is just okay, but I get tired of it. Does anyone know of any good horse games? I like realistic ones, or ones with genetics, but I hate the unrealistic ones or ones that collect my name and personal info. I feel that's privacy infringement. I am okay with giving my email out as long as the privacy policy states clearly that your email will not be sold to any second or third parties and so on. Please include your user names to your suggested games if you'd like, and if I decide to sign up to one I might use you as a sponsor. I'm a little picky, sorry, so please don't expect an instant referral bonus. :) But remember, the more helpful you are and the more games you suggest, the more likely I'll be to pick your answer as best answer and maybe even use you as a sponsor! Thanks!Anyone know of some really fun horse games?
red dead redemption you can see the horses muscles.Anyone know of some really fun horse games?
Horse riding Games

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