Monday, February 6, 2012

Any fun FREE online horse games?

Hi, I am looking to have some fun playing online horse games, (Free, Fun, and I don't want to download anything. ) Can you give me a list of some? For me...The Ultimate Horse Lover %26amp; Rider :)Any fun FREE online horse games?

ITS THE BEST!! - It's free and it's very fun! The only thing that some people don't like about this game is that, you don't actually have a virtual horse and you don't get to ride it around like on - But I still love this game, and if you do the quests, it gives you a free horse at the end. You get to breed, train, ride, and make your own Equestrian Center as well. I love it, but maybe not other people....Any fun FREE online horse games?鈥?/a>

Horse Eden Eventing is a free, online, horse SIM game. You enter your horses in show, training and you can breed. I have about two generations of stallions at stud right now, and will have the third next month :) I'm addicted. If you use the link I posted, it's a referal link and we both get extra money. If you add my stables, I can help you out and get you started.

You can upgrade your account for $9.99 for three months, which is an amazing deal.

It's much better than howrse.Any fun FREE online horse games?
Hey there, I have a FREE GAMES WEBSITE and have at least 7 Free Online Horse Games plus many many others(over 2700 free games) that will keep you happy for hours.

You can play online or download or embed them in your website, your choice!

I really hope that this helps you find what you're looking for.
go to and go under the animals and then go under horses. here, let me show ya!鈥?/a>

ya, all look childish, but they aren't all! especially the horse eventing one! there are different levels! the one with the pink horse. and you can pick the horse, pick what your wearing, pick your tack, and stuff like that
I HIGHLY recommend Go on pinto server because that's the one I play on, this game is epic! You can buy horses that actually move, ride them, train, sell, talk to other users, compete in Beauty Contests, Race, Barrels, Jump. Please try it! lol
here are some great sites with a bunch of horse games:鈥?/a>
this is the best one i've found so far:鈥?/a>


EDIT: gee thanks LaLuna, now i'm hooked!
Here are some fun online games!
I go on . Brown server, I can help get you started.

I used to play Horse Isle
go on google and LOOK IT UP UR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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