Friday, February 3, 2012

What are some fun games to do with horse riding lesson kids?

My lesson kids are kind of getting bored with the same things over and over week after week so any ideas of games?What are some fun games to do with horse riding lesson kids?
With my kids i do a lot of obstical courses and red light green light and simon says ( as many above do ) but i also play Marco Polo ( like in the pool, just close your eyes and you say marco and the kids have to awnser with polo and you try to find them. Of course peek every now and then to make sure you dont run into a wall and make sure the kids are still behaving ;) I do mine strickly at the walk and with the advanced classes a little trot. But it's great because you can pretend to walk into a wall or fall over a jump standard ... always gets a laugh ;) )

Also when i play Simon Says i do more like "simon says point to the brow band" or "simon says put your hand on the cantle of the saddle" so that kids learn parts of the horse/tack while playing a game.
common ones i played at camp as a kid were

-simon says (simon says turn right, simon says stop, simon says trot etc)

-red light green light (green means go red stop, if you keep going after red you're out)

-around the world. you get someone to lead and you spin around on your horse as you ride.

-vaulting positions (kneeling on the horse, riding backwards, riding sideways etc)

some other ideas would be

set up cones to weave or a course. like the kids have to go over the bridge, around the barrel, weave the cones, then figure 8 around something %26amp; drop something into a mailbox or whatever

if your kids are more advanced i would recommend the red light green light %26amp; simon says- you can make those as easy or hard as you want (simon says canter, simon says 2 point, etc) the course could also work for advanced riders..just make it more complicated %26amp; make them do it at a trot

have fun!What are some fun games to do with horse riding lesson kids?
1) Red Light Green Light

2) You could do like, drills.. like a mini drill team!! That was fun for me(:

3) If you have short plastic flag poles or barrels that you can put cones on, you can have the kids get something off the cones and put them on the other barrels.. hard to explain.. sorry

4) You could take them on a trail ride!! I LOVED going on a trail ride with my lesson group!!

5) Follow the leader

6) Horse Swap (everyone tries each others horses for 1 time around the arena)

7) Have a mini show!! I think they would love that.. but idk.. (:

Good luck!! Hope I helped!!What are some fun games to do with horse riding lesson kids?
Trail rides are fun.

Something even better would be like a game on a trail ride (for experienced riders that you trust) where they play tag in two groups. (mouses and cats type thing) but have them stay slow (like trot).

I don't know, I can't think of any cool games for trail rides.

But, I remember when we would do shows during group lessons, and it was the coolest thing! We'd run barrels and my trainer would announce are names and where we were from and our horses name and stuff like a real show and we would cheer and stuff. It was great.

ADD- tag in the arena with a base would be fun too!
I always thought obsticle courses were really fun

-Have a pretend mini show

-Play 'What time is it Mr Wolf?' but only at the walk and trot :)

-Play Simon Says

-Do pony games

-Ride bareback (it teaches really good balance as well)

-Go for a trail ride if its possible

-If you ride English, try barrel racing or something like that at the trot or canter, depending on the level of experience

-If you ride Western, try doing a little tiny crosspole or 3 ground poles in a pyramid
Well, if you have a group of kids, you could have them play 'Simon Says'. It helps them to get a better understanding of the aids. First one to the end of the arena wins!
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